holidays from the future

Saturday, August 9, 2014 • Spectrum • New York NY

Holidays from the Future explores the design of terrains for creative musicians to inhabit. Listeners are free to enter and roam these musical ecosystems during the performance.

OPLC (part 1) ⟶
OPLC (part 2) ⟶

In OPLC, improvisers range over a terrain and form an interaction network that exhibits complex, non-linear global behavior. Phase oscillations between a poorly connected interaction network and a well connected interaction network disrupt homeostasis and trigger the evolution of modular anatomies. In the poorly connected network state, propagation of musical stimuli are constrained to local subsystems, which then have an opportunity to stabilize into robust modules that persist during subsequent highly connected states. The structure of this anatomy can take vary unpredictably given different initial conditions, meaning that every performance leads to different and unexpected consequences.

(again) against/because... ⟶

In Edward Schneider's (again) against/because..., two saxophonist form centripetal counterweights in a ceremony inspired by the Sama tradition of the Sufis.